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Love Takes 2..

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So the buzz lately has been all about Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries “marriage” and the walkout after 72 days.  Somehow I don’t think we can even label that as a was a wedding planning photo shoot. Do you agree or not?  She spent more time planning the wedding than she did staying in it.  Kim’s earning of $18 million breaks down to $10,000 an hour for the 72 days..not a bad earning don’t you think? I for one never watched the wedding on Bravo but I did checkout the pics in the People Magazine.  Had always wondered who the Kardashian’s were but never really cared.  But after hearing about all the wedding hoopla, I finally googled them to figure out what their claim to fame was and most importantly “Why are they so famous?and why do we even care?”. So it was all thanks to!!

Photo By Ruchi G. Kalra

The one and only reason two people should join together for marriage is Love.  Most girls grow up believing in romance/fairy tale weddings/prince charming – thanx to all the chic flicks/bollywood movies and romantic songs that surround us.  I am sure guys wonder if that stuff really works on us…It does!! It really does!  I always give my hubby a hard time as I never got a proposal..nope never did!!! Even till today I joke with him as I watch a movie and a proposal is about to happen…I ask him “What’s the guy doing on his knees and why does he have that ring in his hands, and what does a proposal mean anyway, oh my he’s gonna hurt his knees.”  He just rolls his eyes and laughs and knows that he is never gonna live that one down.  He knows I am joking but oh!! It’s so fun to tease him.  I am sure the guys have always had a lot of pressure and now with the growth of the social media world it’s become harder not easier to live up to the Jones..(oh that darn family strikes again..LOL).

Jaan & I….16 Yrs ago

I didn’t have a big ole’ grand wedding, or a big diamond, or the designer lehnega(indian bridal outfit), or the most unbelievable wedding location or photographer but it was special as it had my family and I was gonna marry the love of my life (thanx to my amazing brother and sister-in-law).  What more could a girl want?

Nowadays the wedding planners/photographers work amazing wonders.  They work tirelessly to meet all the requests of the bride & groom and make sure everything runs smoothly and beautifully to make it a wedding to remember.  But their job stops there and your work begins.

Looking at the amazing work of my wedding planner friend -Ashley Gain (Ashley Gain Weddings & Events)and my photographer friends- Sameer & Sonia Soorma(Sameer Soorma Photography) makes me want to get remarried (of course to the same guy).

But we also need to remember that a marriage is not just about the wedding day… it’s about the journey of life that the two people are promising to take together. You can have the best venue/the most fab wedding dress/the most stunning jewelry/the best DJ in town and the best wedding planner & photographers…. but if you don’t have love to sustain that marriage you have nothing.

Photo By Ruchi G. Kalra

A couple of quotes from friends on marriages: “Respect each other and love each other for who they are” &  ” Marriage takes effort, work and commitment”.  So go ahead make that dinner reservation for a date night as Love Takes 2.

I will end with the advice I give all my friends getting married…”Be the best of friends with each other and everything will fall into place”.   What can I say..I am a hopeless romantic..still!!

So lets not focus on the failed marriages but instead on the successful ones…..Would love to hear your thoughts on what makes a successful marriage…Thanx!
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