To Believe..What did u Want to Be When you Were 5?

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There were so many things you wanted to be when you were young…and in your little mind you always believed that you would and could be.  My little guy who is 8 now had to sit down when he was 5 and write a speech for his Montessori kindergarten graduation.  The topic was “When I grow up”.  This was something that was being done at school as a surprise for the parents and these essays were gonna be read by them at the graduation ceremony!

A week before the ceremony we were talking about general things and I told him he could be whatever he wanted to be… He very adamantly told me he could not as it has already been decided. I was really surprised and taken back by his statement ….I said “What do you mean it’s already been decided?”. Then he proceeded to tell me that he had already written down what he was gonna be and he could not change it anymore as he had already turned in his essay to the kindergarten teacher and it was way too late!  I could only smile, hug him and marvel at the innocence…

He would be in his room, practicing and reading his speech and I had strict instructions that I could not enter his room.  So the graduation day finally arrived and as he stood among the 50 or so kids of his graduating class I wondered what he was gonna say.  Many kids got up there and they all wanted to be lawyers, engineers, scientists, there were even a few neurosurgeons(wow)…I anxiously awaited my son’s turn….he got up there and said..”When I grow up, I want to be an Artist & a Chef”…I was so proud of him that he could get up there and be himself.  Three years later he still has a lot of interest in cooking and  helps me in the kitchen all the time (except when there is basketball or football or golf or now even cricket on TV) đŸ™‚ He loves to watch cooking shows and will even ask me if he can DVR them.  His eyes light up when he sees Indian chefs on those shows..and will call out to me and say…”Mom, look they are making Masala Burgers”!! He was so excited when Aarti Sequeira won the Next Food Network Star, and had all kinds of questions when I showed him the article by Monica Bhide in the Food & Wine magazine on Chef Sanjeev Kapoor.

The only thing that gets in the way of us and our Beliefs is US!! As we grow up, we are always told of what we can and can’t do and we start to measure everything based on those bench marks.  So go ahead and embrace the little 5 yr old in you again and remind yourself that you can be all that you want to be…and it’s not too late!!

In fact it’s never too late..I will end this blog with a short story about a beautiful lady I met at my gym several years ago(9 to be exact).   She was in the pool every single day before my water aerobics class, she would stay in the pool for hours.  One day I went up to her and asked her, “Are you training for something” and she said “I guess you can say I am training….I am learning how to swim..something I have always wanted to do”!! I looked at her and smiled….Did I tell you that beautiful young lady was 95 yrs old…It’s never too late!!

Who knows where my sons dreams & beliefs will take him, but I do hope to be sitting one day at a table on the opening night of his restaurant called FUZZY(even though people may tell him what a crazy name)!!!  We all have TO BELIEVE!!

What did you want to be when you were 5?

Last Inspiring note: A poem written by my 10 yr old daughter(who is 12 now):


Mountains are like goals

You are determined to achieve,

You will not succeed

Unless you really do believe

Beaches are like rolling stones

Moving you towards your fears,

You will only succeed

If you rise above your tears

Mountains are like goals

Beaches are like rolling stones,

Yell in a mighty roar

Believing can make you soar

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Monica Bhide
13 years ago

How fantastic!! And I love his poem. Totally rocks!!!

Frane Bhattacharya
Frane Bhattacharya
13 years ago

Very Inspiring , It’s good that you encourage him to follow his dreams, many don’t have that privilege , they are often forced to live out their parent’s unfulfilled dreams …. That was a lovely poem he wrote Ruchi …. do encourage him to keep at it

Samarth Mohan
Samarth Mohan
13 years ago

Dont know where to begin ?? Do I tell you how well you express your thoughts through your blogs, or how cute and innocent and extraordinary kids are or how badly I want to salute the 95 year old girl in the pool.

Just wanted to let you know that your Blog (like all others I have read) made me smile and a otherwise normal day has just become a very happy and awesome day. Thanks again. And if you want I can start giving some fun lessons to the “Best Chef” to be <3



13 years ago

Ruchi.. just a beautiful post.. you children are adorable.. “The only thing that gets in the way of us and our Beliefs is US!! ” Beautiful and so so true..

Nuru Sarela
Nuru Sarela
13 years ago

I am always inspired by young one’s who have decided what they want to do when they grow up.
I too have a son from childhood days he was going to become an Engineer and when he did become one, we felt now lets get him married and settled, but too our suprise he wanted to become a Doctor and at that time I thought it was impossible, did he prove me wronge.
I believe that we human beings are always in a search of learning and improving no matter where in life we our, no matter how old we our, the aim is to learn and improve, with that I must say me too being an Engineer, then a Business Analyst and now a Dental Assistant has always been learning and improving with time. Change with time and age is a good thing……Nuru Sarela

Sameer Soorma
13 years ago

Hey Ruchi,

Very well said! I am sure when he grows up and follows his dreams he will have your blog to reference back to show his passion was from a very young age. I am glad you are documenting these for him to cherish in his future.



latha raman
latha raman
13 years ago

Ruchi…wonderfully written. And to further attest to the ‘believe in yourself’ ,there’s this elegant 84 year old woman who works out along with us whom are half her age. She always has this beautiful smile whenever she works out,be it turbo or cardio kick box…it is her personal dream to lead a healthy lifestyle..a wonderful inspiration to all of us whenever we feel like giving up!!

Keep on logging Ruchi..enjoy reading them.

13 years ago

Hey Ruchi, what a wonderful and inspiring reminder for all of us! thanks for sharing it my friend!!

13 years ago

This was so well written and i think he has an awesome mom who supports his decisions. Tell him even though i will be Fuzzy by the time he opens Fuzzy but i will surely try to make it!
a pat goes on Ma and Pa’ s back for having amazing kids!

What did I wanna be when I was five….hmmm a teacher and i did achieve that!

Roopa Pandarinath
Roopa Pandarinath
13 years ago

Wow Ruchi. Enjoyed reading the article. Love the poem!

13 years ago

Hey Ruchi, Ishan and Riya

Loved the blog. There is an innocence in the though of setting a goal for when we grow up. In the end, it does not matter whether we achieve that goal or another. What matters is that we consciously have fun in the process. I don’t think I had a specific goal at 5. I am impressed with these kids who know it and with clarity. Turns our Rohil wanted to be a trash truck driver when he was 5. Thankfully he changed that goal very quickly at 6 to becoming an astronaut, but a pilot first. If if all fails, then a scientist. Now that is a dream we are supporting him with and hope that the trash truck dream is buried under a big pile of….

Riya’s poem was amazing, please tell her that. We would be proud to see her become the Indian-American Maya Angelou. And proud anyway to hear her thoughts, philosophy, spirit and emotions expressed in beautiful language.

To you Ruchi, I can certainly attest to your metamorphosis from …… to a person on her own unique spiritual journey. I am glad I could be an observer of your evolution over the years. Many more years of transformations to come.

Take care and lots of Love to your whole family.

13 years ago

I’m so impressed you actually have the speech he wrote! Wow! I actually remember sitting in the crowd waiting to hear his choices .. and remember being surprised. Usually there is an obvious connection to what they want to be at that age .. but for some reason he picked chef and artist. I dont really rememeber guiding or influencing in any way. I think some kids/people just know what they want. Others .. (like me) .. just get lucky and stumble into something they like and are good at. And I think you are an example of this as well. Looks like you have stumbled upon something here. You should take on a bigger writing project. You are good at it .. and i think people enjoy reading what you have to say.

Make it happen .. BELIEVE

BTW – When i was young ..i wanted to be a pro tennis player.

13 years ago

thanx for another great read ruchi. keep on writing…looking forward to the book, “chicken soup-desi style”!!! anyway, i wanted to be a flight attendant. i’m not exactly sure that i was five, but it was definitely before we moved to the states when i was eight. i just thought it would be so cool to be flying all over the world all the time! in this day and age, it’s no big deal to jump on a plane to go some place, but back then it was a great big deal! to this day, this would be my career choice. the reason i did not pursue it goes back to what you said about our parent’s expectations of us. not that they would have stopped me, but i just thought more about what would make them happy. in fact, i never really conveyed to them my desire of wanting this career. maybe i should have and maybe they would have encouraged me…………………it’s so very important to have an open communicative relationship with your kids. not only is it essential, but crucial in determining their happiness and yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago

This is really so inspiring and beautiful ! Keep writing and streading warmth and positivity. The world needs it !

Rimly Bezbaruah
13 years ago

That was beautiful. We should let our children have their dreams and follow them through. I am sure your son will grow up to be a chef someday.

Suvir Saran
13 years ago

What a great poem.
This young man seems to be poised to take on the world as he decides to and to do whatever it is he will want to do.
Wish you great luck in the many adventures of your life.
If you ever want to come visit Devi and sit and chat, I would LOVE to be at your table, hosting you, listening to you and learning from you.